I Stood At The North Pole!

It still feels a little strange to say that I’ve stood at the North Pole, and have walked around all lines of longitude in less than 60 seconds. But that’s what I did on 27th August 2022 – see photo. Unlike the multitude of explorers who attempted to reach the Pole, there was zero hardship on this trip. We achieved this in absolute luxury, and even the weather and seas were very good to us.

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Elane Zelcer
Scoresbysund, East Greenland

It was wonderful to see Greenland’s high snow-capped mountain ranges appearing to starboard (right) as we sailed closer and closer to this enormous continent.

We turned into Scoresbysund at around noon, and hugging the northern shore line, made our way to Ittoqqortoormiit, a small town of 300 people. Having dropped the anchor, and cleared customs for Greenland, we were soon in the zodiacs and landing on the shore.

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Elane Zelcer
And Back Again to Svalbard

Having walked around all Earth’s longitudes in under 60 seconds on Saturday 27th August, it was time to head south.

Although our original plan had been to follow the east Greenland coast to Scoresbysund, local politics intervened. As you know, on all landings in polar bear territory our guides always carry rifles, just in case. Ponant leases these from businesses in Svalbard, and it’s usually not a problem. However the local government has changed their rules, and it was a requirement for these to be returned to Svalbard before we left for Greenland.

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Elane Zelcer
The North Pole - 90°N!

I was about to hop into the shower at 6am when I realised that the ship had stopped. Since it was way too early for the scientists to be doing their water testing … maybe, just maybe there was a “furry-4-legged” reason. Moments later the Captain announced that there was a polar bear about 300m off our starboard bow.

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Elane Zelcer
Arctic Ocean 85° North

The sun is shining again after a cloudy afternoon that was a mix of high cloud and low visibility. We’re pushing through pans of new ice and ridges of old thick ice, with significant open leads (open water). Our speed is averaging 7 knots, so we’re making good headway towards the North Pole.

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Elane Zelcer
Paris In August

Before arriving in Paris, I knew that August is the time for Parisians to flee and take their summer holidays, and for tourists to overrun the city. Although we saw the impact of this, it was wonderful to be back, even for just a few days.

It’s been 8 years since I was last here, and since I couldn’t book into my favourite little hotel on the left bank (I assume they were away for August), the Pavillon des Lettres turned out to be a delight.

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Elane Zelcer