You Can Never See Enough Whales

When I planned this trip three years ago, it included two excursions from Broome – the first to see Australia's snubfin dolphins, and the second to find humpback whales that were visiting from the Antarctic.

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Elane Zelcer
The Largest Fish of the Day!

Such a beautiful morning with quite a bit of high cloud and a little breeze. I was on the tender just before 6am sailing around a largish island at low tide. Tides in this region can shift by 6-8 meters, and it’s important to take these into account when we’re arriving and leaving locations.

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Elane Zelcer
Bamurru Plains, NT

I was met by Lucas and after 20 minutes drive on very nice red dirt roads, we arrived at Bamurru Plains where I was welcomed with a nice cold, damp towel and yummy cold fruit juice. My tent/cabin looked out over the flood plain to the Mary River, and was surrounded by trees.

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Elane Zelcer
Hot & Sticky Darwin

With a day and half before flying east to Bamurru Plains, I took a stroll around the area I’m staying in and found my way to the harbour’s edge. The tide was out, leaving the roadway very high above the waterline. Tides here are significant.

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Elane Zelcer