Big Cats, Zambia

Today I’m writing from my “cabin” at the Bushcamp Company’s Lodge in Mfuwe. It overlooks a wonderful hippo waterhole that’s covered in delicious (if you’re a hippo) green slimy vegetation, and is surrounded by the bush, other than on the side where our cabins are.

The hippos are exceptionally entertaining – a moment ago one roared, grunted & snorted, stimulating others to do the same. Every so often I hear a splash as they spurt water out of their mouths. Some young are also with them, learning how to feed, make hippo noises and live with other hippos.

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Elane Zelcer
Leopards & Lions, Zambia

It’s been great to be back in Zambia and out on game drives in the South Luangwa National Park.

On Monday and Tuesday last week, our base was the main lodge at Mfuwe, and we travelled with Sue, Cindy and Ian, as well as new friends, Patti, Edith & Mark, and our amazing guides, Malenga and Peter.

From our first afternoon game drive to today, it has been extraordinary with amazing sightings: on our first game drive in the afternoon, close to the Mfuwe Lodge we came across a beautiful leopard, nicknamed “Lucy”.

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Elane Zelcer
Reflections From the Serengeti

The Serengeti has always evoked rolling hills of grasses with bunches of trees with their characteristic “half dome” shape, and lions, cheetah and giraffe moving from place to place.

When I started to write this post, I was sitting in my very large tent – it has canvas walls & roof, and pegs into the ground, so technically it’s a tent – with its veranda that looks across the Serengeti plains.

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Elane Zelcer
Northern Serengeti: Lions, Beautiful Lions

What an amazing morning it has been watching lions interacting.

But first a shortish catch-up: it was a wonderful 3 days at Namiri Plains in the southern part of the Serengeti. With a simply fantastic guide, Hatibu, I learned about the Serengeti Plains and many of the animals that call this home.

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Elane Zelcer
Namiri Plains, Serengeti, Tanzania (Day 1 and 2)

In the first 24 hours of arriving at Namiri Plains, I’ve been relatively close to elephants, cheetah and lions – superb! Leopards remain elusive.

Needless to say, the crazy travel days of last week disappeared when I arrived here at around 1pm. My driver/guide, Hatibu, was at Seronera Airport to meet me, and having climbed into the Toyota 4WD, fitted out for photographers, we chatted about what I wanted to see and photograph, and I learned a little about him and his photography.

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Elane Zelcer