Alaska wrap-up

I started writing this on my way home after 24 hours in LA – what a stark contrast this was to Alaska. LA was very hot, crowded & busy, with people focused on getting from one place to another, in cars, horns honking, on bikes, and walking (ear buds firmly in place) along the streets near Venice Beach.  Alaska was more laid-back and relatively uncrowded. With my flight back to Australia behind me, and work proceeding at a comfortable pace, it has been a good time to reflect on the 2 weeks I was away. 

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Elane Zelcer
Whales, puffins, sea-otter, sea lions, orca & eagles!

The last week has been amazing - each day filled with superb encounters with animals, and fabulous learnings from Art Wolfe & Gavriel Jecan, both with huge experience photographing wildlife. We are six people, two couples, my cabin mate and me – five of us are photographers. In addition we have a crew of four – Geoff our Captain, his wife Debbie (a marvellous chef with immense knowledge of this area), and Bree and Ben, a young couple earning experience and funds before they travel.

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Elane Zelcer
A feast of humpbacks

The previous few days have been a feast of Humpbacks. On Friday evening (30 June), we sailed towards Whitestone Bay – this was to be our anchorage for the evening. We’d had a fun day with puffins and sea-otters, and were looking forward to a quiet evening.  Just after dinner at around 9pm, Art casually walked into the lounge and said, “Is anyone interested in seeing whales bubble-net feeding?”

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Elane Zelcer
The Alaskan Story - our home for the week

Right on time on Thursday 29 June, Geoff Wilson met us in the lobby of our Juneau hotel, loaded all our gear into his van (with 7 photographers, there’s lots!) and took us to Auke Bay. There, with the assistance of Bree and Ben, the crew that assist Geoff and his wife Debbie, we boarded the Alaskan Story. This was our home for one week, and what a joy! Lots of space, great viewing from the bow, the stern and the sides of the boat, and space for us to stow our camera gear so it was always within easy reach.

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Elane Zelcer
Back to Anchorage & on to Juneau – planes & boats & trains

My alarm woke me at 4:15am so that I could make sure that things that I needed for the day were not in the bag being checked through to Anchorage. After breakfast at 5:30am we were on the big red & white bus and on our way at 6:15am. At least the bus wasn’t totally full – being able to move around during the 6 hour journey helps to break it up, and it’s also really important when there are animal sightings.

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Elane Zelcer
“Did you see it??” Yes, yes I did!

Saturday started very early. I was in the lobby, checked out and on the 5:30am shuttle to the downtown bus stop. Ours was no ordinary bus, but a large coach with seating for more than 40, and just 9 of us on board – very comfy. Right on time, our driver Jim, was taking us through the still-deserted streets of Anchorage and then onto the highway for the 6 hour drive north to Denali National Park.

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Elane Zelcer