The Yin and the Yang

In Yulara I feel as if I’m not really far from anywhere – regular flights come from and to the major Australian cities every day, there is a full 4G phone signal, and the campground is well fitted out for the large and small mobile adventurers. From my hotel room, I can see Uluru sitting high above the red earth, changing colour through the day until it fades to a deep purple and then disappears in the darkness. It’s easy to forget that we’re about 500 km from Alice Springs and 1000 km from Adelaide.

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Elane Zelcer
Hello from the Red Centre

It’s been a wonderful couple of days.  Flying out of a very dark, cold and damp Monday morning, and with a brief stop in Sydney to change planes, it was great to be airborne and heading west north west to Ayers Rock Airport (the official name).  We flew over snow covered areas well out of Sydney, and as the sun rose higher in the sky, the colour of the earth started to change to the glorious red that is Central Australia.

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Elane Zelcer