Mountains & Glaciers; Penguins & Humpbacks

Mountains – glorious Antarctic mountains. It was 5:30am and time to get out on the back of Deck 6 and see where we were. The ship was moving slowly towards our first stop in Andvord Bay, near Neko Harbour. Snow-covered mountains and glaciers stretched straight out of the ocean on all sides, their reflections clear in the gentle waters.

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Elane Zelcer
There’s a Humpback Under our Zodiac!

I woke at 5:45am to sunshine and no wind. A quick shower, and I was out on the back of Deck 6 to see what I might find. We were in Cierva Cove on the Antarctic Peninsula – and what a wonderful morning it turned out to be. But more on that in a moment.

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Elane Zelcer
Weather Plays Havoc in South Georgia

We arrived in Fortuna Bay, South Georgia on Saturday 24 February as dawn was breaking. I opened our curtains to see mountains reaching high out of the fjord, the sun shining on a retreating glacier and King penguins gathered on a shoreline to our right.

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Elane Zelcer
Orca, Orca, Orca!

What an amazing few days on the way to South Georgia, and then in and out of various bays that are a part of this treasure-filled island.  We met penguins (King, Gentoo & Chinstrap), fur seals, elephant seals, petrels, albatross

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Elane Zelcer
The Beagle Channel

Since all my trips from & to Ushuaia had left in the evening and arrived in the early morning, I’d never seen the full length of the Beagle Channel. So it was good to see this and watch the change in birds as we transitioned from the shelter of the Channel to the open southern Atlantic.

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Elane Zelcer
Departure from Ushuaia

It’s been a busy few days following our delayed departure from Ushuaia. Originally scheduled for the afternoon of Saturday 18 February, we were delayed 36 hours due to a problem with a propellor. 

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Elane Zelcer
Hello from Buenos Aires!

It’s good to be in Argentina, although having landed on Saturday evening, and then going out on an excursion on Sunday (in 37°C heat), I’m definitely well and truly ready for the cool of Ushuaia and the Antarctic

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Elane Zelcer