Somewhere North of Svalbard

A brief update while we have wifi.

After a 2:00am start yesterday, it was wonderful to board Le Commandant Charcot in the late afternoon. She really is a beautiful ship.

We sailed from Svalbard in the early evening - the low Arctic light was soft and beautiful, highlighting the texture of the ocean.

At around 8:30pm while I was organising my gear and getting ready for an early night, I heard a whale blow. From my balcony I saw a few whale spouts but couldn’t see the whales. Perhaps tomorrow.

About 10pm we were woken by the Captain - whales ahead! So I threw multiple layers on & went down to Deck 5.

Yes! There were dolphins feeding around us, and multiple pods of Fin whales as well - all in the beautiful low Arctic light. Photos will come later, including one of two Fin whales with the gentle light reflecting off their bodies. (Fin whales are the 2nd largest whale - Blue whales are the largest).

We’re now aiming straight to the Pole with Svalbard well behind us. And we should be in the ice tonight - that will be wonderful!

More when we wifi access returns.

Current location of Le Commandant Charcot: LINK

Elane Zelcer