South of the Circle wrap-up
Our last night on the ship was the Captain’s dinner, a celebration of all that we’ve achieved.
We have crossed the Drake Passage twice, reached well below the Antarctic Circle, and completed 15 excursions (landing and cruising). The Captain, his Russian crew and the Peregrine team have taken us safely into and out of amazing places on the Antarctic Peninsula, dodging icebergs and providing safe access on and off the Zodiacs.
During our last afternoon in the Drake Passage, Hayley presented a wrap-up of the trip. This was the first Peregrine trip south of the Antarctic Circle. We have done so much in such a short time and have seen so much – magnificent land and seascapes, watching Albatross and other marine birds souring around the ship, had close encounters with penguins, walked on the Antarctic Peninsula (my 6th continent), seen icebergs of different sizes and shapes and wonderful colours, visited active and abandoned research stations and made new friends.
We’ve experienced beautiful clear, sunny days with little wind, as well as days with clouds, snow, rain and gale force winds. We’ve seen glaciers calving, inquisitive leopard seals following our Zodiac, Skuas grabbing and eating penguin chicks, and Weddell and Crab Eater seals lying on icebergs in the sun. We’ve even had the joy of Humpback and Minke whales close to the ship, and for some, close to their Zodiac.
It has been an extraordinary experience – I feel truly fortunate and privileged.